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Friday, March 6, 2009

Leaving Room for Holy Envy

When I was in the countryside of Pennsylvania, I attended a little branch in Indiana. Though it was rather small, I experienced some really exceptional Elders Quorum meetings. I remember one lesson that a teacher gave about the priesthood. While he wanted to illustrate his teachings with a story, he didn’t succumb to telling cliché and rehashed Mormon anecdotes.
What he did surprised me and opened up my mind in a way that had not really been done before. While talking about the Priesthood, he used the Catholic church as a positive example. Now, many LDS might think that this isn’t a good idea, but let me explain. From what I remember, he pointed out that even though that church went through an apostacy, the people still believe that they have the priesthood. The priests wear traditional robes that signify their priesthood to the congregation and the rest of the world. Nuns also wear their robes and headdress in their everyday life. A lot of people and churches look down on that. But he said that it is an awesome representation of the “priesthood” that they have and that we should also let others know that we are ministers of Jesus Christ who hold the priesthood the same way that our Catholic brothers and sisters do. He was of course not suggesting that we accomplish that with our dress, but by our actions and our speech.
What impressed me wasn’t so much his message, but how he illustrated it. I loved that saw the good (and true) beliefs of others and how it compared with our good and true beliefs. I used this illustration further when talking with Catholic people as a missionary, and had a much better time effectively communicating and showing appreciation for them while still teaching what I believed.
When an LDS temple was scheduled to be built in Sweden in 1985, many voiced their opposition to it. Krister Stendahl, Lutheran bishop of Stockholm and scholar, told what is known as his three rules of religious understanding. They are:

1) When you are trying to understand another religion, you should ask the adherents of that religion and not its enemies.
(2) Don't compare your best to their worst.
(3) Leave room for "holy envy." (By this Stendahl meant that you should be willing to recognize elements in the other religious tradition or faith that you admire and wish could, in some way, be reflected in your own religious tradition or faith.)

I believe that these rules are wonderful and coincide with Jesus’ commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Can love really blossom without understanding and tolerance?
This year I decided to celebrate Lent. Truthfully, I didn’t really know what Lent was before I read about it this last month. I learned that Lent is a great deal like a Mormon fast. In our church, we abstain from food and water for two meals at least twelve times a year. We do this as an act of humility to God, showing him that we are in need and focusing our minds on the spiritual rather than earthly things. I have experienced great blessings from fasting, and when I fast I feel that my mind is truly focused and that every time that I feel some sort of hunger, I am “stirred up in remembrance of my God.” The same can be said of the Catholic Lent. It lasts 40 days, beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending at Easter, symbolizing Jesus’ retreat into the wilderness to fast and pray for forty days. By joining in a 40 day fast, the Christian “retreats” into the wilderness with Christ in the spirit of fasting. Easter also has more of an impact as it marks the end of the fast and the triumphant resurrection of the Lord.
Now I’m not abstaining from meat, but I did follow the tradition of giving up something that I enjoy. I chose to abstain from fast food and soda, which has been more of a vice and an unhealthy crutch since I’m on the road during lunch. Every day I have been reminded that I am on a fast from these things and I think about why, similar to a regular fast that I do. To me, it feels good to understand by experience what other people believe. Being a highly symbolic people that Latter-day Saints are, it should be easy for us to understand and appreciate the symbolism in the Catholic Lent.
I have been ridiculed for trying this, while others have just thought that I’m doing silly things for fun. I don’t suggest that everybody else’s beliefs are binding on us, or that we need to embrace and celebrate all traditions of all people with open arms, nor do I advocate a Unitarian approach to religion. But I do have appreciation and interest in what others believe. We challenge other people to join our church, bringing their best so that more can be added to it. But when people do bring their best, are we going to judge and ridicule it-- condemning it because it doesn’t coincide with our beliefs? Do we really believe that we have nothing to learn from the experiences and beliefs of those outside of our church? Or can we compare our best with theirs, and leave room for a holy envy, showing that we too can be a humble people?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What happened to "The Office?"

Have you ever just spouted off a line from a movie or show that is terribly funny and had perfect comedic timing? Maybe nobody even understood what the heck you just said and you end up sounding like a crazy person. The t.v. show The Office has put me in that situation many times. You've most likely seen the show so I'll just say this: my favorite show is starting to fail. It's been the funniest show that I've ever come across, and now I'm watching it slowly decline into a comedic rendition of Melrose Place.
Here's where it's going wrong. Season 1-4 was spectatcular. Almost every episode focused on a certain office event--conflict resolution, performance reviews, the alliance, the fight, etc. Simultaneously we saw a little drama on the side, like the sexual tensions between Jim and Pam, Angela and Dwight, and Michael's hilarious failures with women. These, however, were only side plots that gave the funny aspects of the show substance.
What we're sadly seeing now in almost every episode of Season 5 is a shift of emphasis from funny office events to the drama in everybody's love life. Everybody couldn't wait for Jim and Pam to get together, but since they did, they have lost half of the funnyness that that tensioned relationship once had. We're forced to watch them unhumorously show their frustrations at a long distance relationship and Pam's career. The Angela love triangle is baffling. It started out funny, but has gotten very ridiculous. Angela secretly having sex with Dwight while treating Andy like garbage only went so far. I don't know why she's engaged to him, and it's sickening to watch. Worst of all is taking away the humor of the staple of the show; Michael Scott. I guess the writers decided that the funniest man of the show needs to now be sad and bitter instead of awkwardly funny. They had it right when he was with Jan. That relationship was funny to watch. Then came everyone giving him dating suggestions. Hilarious. Then Holly came and they got "cute." Ok, I can stand for some cuteness as long as he's still funny. Then they gave him drama when she moved and he's crying or moaning at the end of episodes now. I really don't see why they had to bog down the real comedic genius with unneeded sad drama.
I say bring back the focus on funny events, like Crime Aid did recently. Keep the drama in minute proportions and off to the side where they belong. If we want to watch dramatic relationships, we'll watch those Dawson's Rivers kids sleeping in each other's beds. If it doesn't change, the numberless funny quotations will die with Season 4.

Research Paper: The Ark of the Covenant

This is a short research paper I wrote for a history class. It documents varying perspectives on the location of the Ark of the Covenant. Sentence structure didn't really paste well...

The Ark of the Covenant:
Lost or Found?

It was a demonstration of God’s power to His people and to His enemies. The Ark was a symbol of the covenant that He had made with the children of Israel. It had the power to bless a nation with victory or destroy a nation with pestilence—an object so powerful that even touching it could mean death. Designed by God and created under the direction of Moses, the Ark of the Covenant symbolized the presence of God to his people for over six hundred years. But after that time the Ark entered into the realm of mystery, and mankind has been searching for it for centuries. Was it destroyed when Jerusalem was besieged? Was it taken to Egypt by one of Solomon’s sons? Did Jeremiah bury it under a woodshed or in store it in a cave to prevent capture? And has it been found by modern archeologists such as Vendyll Jones or Ron Wyatt?
It was about 3700 years ago. The nation of Israel had just escaped a thousand years of bondage in Egypt. They were being led by Moses, who in turn was being led by God. They arrived at Mount Sinai, where God gave them commandments and promised them a choice land and many other blessings, while Israel covenanted to keep these commandments. God also gave them directions to build a sacred chest crafted with shittim wood and plated with gold. The Ark represented the presence of God on Earth, and the Mercy Seat—which was the covering of the Ark—the throne of God (Ark). The Ark of the Covenant was carried into battles to symbolize that the power of God was with them. Eventually the Ark was carried into Canaan, where it stayed in various cities until The Temple of Solomon was built and the Ark resided in the Holy of Holies. Although some people suggest that the ark might have been carried off to Egypt, most believe that it stayed in the Temple until it was sacked by the Babylonians around 600 b.c.e. From there the fate of the Ark becomes a mystery.
While there is a possibility that the Ark is still in existence today, one must first consider that the Ark might have been destroyed during the sacking of Jerusalem (British Museum). This theory, though not as fun or adventurous, does seem to be accepted by many people. From the casual reader of scripture to professors of religion or history, it’s not hard to believe that a valuable artifact such as the ark would be carried off and destroyed for its gold as many of the other temple relics were. Probably the most convincing evidence of this idea is the fact that the Ark is almost never mentioned after Israel’s return from Babylon in Scriptural text and that it was not included the second temple. And then one has to wonder: if the Ark of the Covenant represented God’s throne, and God will not be mocked, how could He let the Ark be carried off by unclean hands to be destroyed?
This leads us into the idea that the Ark still exists today. But unlike the previous theory, which really has no tradition or textual support, there are a few ideas that do. One comes from Ethiopia, and has become part of the very culture of the Ethiopians. The legend is based on a text that is believed to have ancient origins, called the Kebra Nagast (KN). The KN states that Sheba and Solomon had a son together, whose name was Menelik. Upon reaching adulthood, Menelik visited his father in Palestine and secretly carried the ark back to Ethiopia (Munro-Hay 3). He eventually assumed the title “King of Kings,” and as legend states, started the Solomonic Dynasty which lasted 225 generations and came to an end in 1974. The Ark is believed to be located at Axum, where only certain ordained priests are able to view or handle the sacred relic. The presence of the Ark in Ethiopia is the foundation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which members number about 25 million. These members believe the story told in the Kebra Negast (Munro Hay 4). Dr. Stuart Munro-Hay, one the world’s leading authorities on the history and culture of Ethiopia and also on the Ark in Ethiopia, ended his extensive work concerning this subject with these words:
The second pair of stone tablets supposedly made by Moses at Sinai to replace the broken originals could certainly have survived . . . but there is not the remotest evidence for their presence in Ethiopia or anywhere else. . . Of one thing we may be quite sure. . . The golden Ark of the Covenant of Moses, David and Solomon, was never at Aksum (208).
In 1989, an explorer named Ron Wyatt claimed to have found a series of caves under Mount Moriah, which is believed by some to be the Temple Mount. On his website he describes his excavations and findings, stating that he had found a stone case and “knew that the Ark of the Covenant was in the stone case” (Wyatt). Many scholars, such as John A. Tvedtnes, are skeptical of Wyatt’s claims, which also include the finding of Sodom and Gomorrah and Pharaoh’s Chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea (Tvedtnes). Because of property concerns, there have not been any more excavations to our knowledge, nor have there been any other claims that the Ark has been seen since then.
In the early 20th century, a Finnish scholar believed to have discovered a cipher in the ancient Hebrew text of the book of Daniel. Believing that he decoded the secret of the location of the Ark, he drew maps and set out to find the Ark (Coppens). He began to dig by night under Solomon’s Stables, where is believed that Jeremiah hid ark before the sacking of Israel by Babylon. The excavations were often stalled because of seasonal rains, but many artifacts were recovered during the digs. The expedition was eventually banned due to legal issues and the rains.
Other traditions assert that the Ark was not carried to Africa or Babylon, but stayed right in Jerusalem or surrounding areas. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the 1950’s, a copper scroll was found in Qumran and contained an inventory of items that were ordered to be hidden by the prophet Jeremiah shortly before the besieging of Jerusalem by Babylon. On the list of hidden items was the Ark, which was put into a cave and closed up (Vendyll Jones). Vendyll Jones, a contemporary archeologist, the Copper Scroll and Emek HaMelek (a text based on an addition to the Talmud) state that the Ark was hidden in a “Cave with Two Columns, Near the River of the Dome” (Jones). The location of the cave is still being disputed (Jones).
The only reference to the fate of the Ark in the Bible is found in the the book of 2 Maccabees 2:5. It states: "And when Jeremy came thither, he found a hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the Ark, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door." Many scholars believe this cave to be hidden in Mt. Nebo, while others, such as Leen Ritmeyer, believe it to be located in a cave under the temple mount, but have been stopped by the Supreme Moslem Council, which has authority over the Temple Mount. He says that they have “been unwilling to allow any archaeological excavations. This is partially due to their desire to keep any evidence of an ancient Jewish temple from being found on their holy site" (Ritmeyer 24).
There are many myths and legends surrounding the Lost Ark—some of these legends almost as old as the Ark itself. There have been many who come forth and claimed to have found this ancient relic. Some say that they have discovered it in a cave in Mount Moriah, others say that it has been safely guarded for thousands of years in Ethiopia. It might even be hidden in Egypt and surrounded by snakes, as dramatically portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. But even though the world hears these claims, nobody yet has produced the Ark of the Covenant to the world.

Works Cited
“Ark of the Covenant.” Bible Dictionary. Salt Lake City. The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints. 1979.
The British Museum: Department of the Ancient Near East. “Faqs and Frequently
Requested Objects.” 2 Nov. 2006.
Coppens, Phillip. “Found: one Ark of the Covenant.” 1 Nov. 2006.
Jones, Vendyll. “The Copper Scroll and the Excavations at Qumran.” 2 Nov. 2006.
Munro-Hay, Stuart. The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant. London: Taurus, 2005.
Ritmeyer, L., 1996 "The Ark of the Covenant: Where it Stood in Solomon's Temple".
Biblical Archaeology Review 22/1: 46-55, 70-73.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Review of Kerry Ross Boren and Lisa Lee Boren, Following the Ark
of the Covenant.” FARMS 13/2:283. 1 Nov. 2006.
Wyatt, Ron. “The Ark Discovered.” Wyatt Archeological Research. 2 Nov. 2006.

The Properties of a Chick Flick

The Properties of the Chick Flick:

I know that this is going to be rather touchy with many females who read it. It might ruin my chances with many fine ladies. But I have to say it.
I was talking with my good friend, Jennifer, who loves chick flicks. I started in on them one day and she said “Why are they even called chick flicks anyway!? Why can’t guys like them!?” So then I had to break it down for her, and this is how it is:
Chick flicks are very simple. There are a couple of different categories of them: serious and “romantic comedy.” There really is little imagination to them. Though the same thing can be said about many epitomized action films, these just aren’t as fun to watch. Female films can be broken down as follows:

1. The Introduction. This is when it shows the soon-to-be lovers, living out their separate lives. It will show them going about their day-to-day routine; work, shopping, exercise, hobby. Sometimes there is a narration by a main character. Everything is going okay for them, but clearly something is missing.
2. The friend. There has to be some comedic relief. This is where a best friend or relative or roommate comes in. They are so ridiculous but make the film somewhat enjoyable. Often times the friend has a little love story as well.
3. The complicated relationship status. Usually one person has to complicate things. This could mean that they are pessimistic about relationships and gives the other person a hard time throughout the film, someone is getting out of a current relationship, the parents don’t like the person, careers are in the way, there is long distance-- something.
4. The run-in. You’ve gotta have the run-in. It’s usually quite brief and unexpected. A lot of the time it’s an awkward situation. But it’s quick, and they don’t expect they’ll see the other person again. In other cases, this is where the guy sees his new target and starts doing his dumb things to get her attention.
*In many cases, we find that these people don’t have anything in common and they start off their love affair by hating each other.
5. The second meeting. This time they will talk for a long time, find out how charming the person is, and/or the guy will ask the girl out.
6. If this is a “romantic comedy,” they will go on a date. It will show them getting ready for the date, and both people are still pessimistic. Then there is the date, and they notice that there is some interest there. They start seeing each other. If this is a more serious film then they pretty much will just go into a relationship and you don’t really see any “dating,” as dates are kind of goofy and belong the comedies.
7. The relationship is blossoming. Sometimes a montage will ensue to show us how cute they are together.
8. The breakup. This is the part we all hate. At some point there has to be a ridiculous misunderstanding or unfortunate circumstance that causes a breakup. Their lives go on, though they clearly aren’t happy. This is a good time for a montage, flipping back and forth between the two.
9. Something happens and (usually the guy) comes to his senses and knows that he has to get the girl back. The girl (sometimes guy) is reluctant at first and it seems like all is lost, but then she (he) comes to his senses and accepts them back. the words “I love you” will be uttered here. Kiss. If this is a serious movie, it will probably end right here and you don’t see what happens after. Too anti-climactic I guess.
10. Everyone is happy together. If this is a comedy, there might be a montage again at the end, and perhaps a narration from a main character. It will often times start like it started, except the two are together. The sideshow friend probably also has scored, maybe with the main girl’s friend.

That's it. That's all there is to them. If I am watching a movie, it’s usually because I want to escape the mundane world that I live in and watch somebody do something that I most likely will never do. This is the time where I get to sit back and watch someone fly through an asteroid field, or shoot an alien, or rescue hostages, or fight a cave troll, or kung fu a flying ninja, or see talking animals for that matter. What is frustrating about chick flicks is they are too realistic! I’ve been in relationships and I’ve been heartbroken; I don’t need to watch some poor chap deal with relationship problems on the silver screen! The reason I’m probably watching a movie is to get my mind off of ridiculous failing relationships! So yes, I end up shaking my head when there are problems, and get jealous when everything goes right in the end. And all of my wingmen and funny sideshow friends got married, so I don't even have that in my romantic comdedic life. And yes, I know exactly when they are going to kiss.

Writings the Second

Davy and Gundy
This is dedicated to Adam. Perhaps we won't fulfill our dream, but Davy and Gundy did.

David Carbtree woke up one day
and stared at the mirror at his clean-shaven face
and wished that his whiskers were grown.
He fumbled and jumbled his way through the day--
If he was late he'd lose his soul

But work didn't sound good, so he sat on his chair
and got his guitar and played a song instead
and something started to change.
Going was heartache and headache and pain;
the doldrums and humdrums were going away

He kicked open his door and sang to the day
then his neighbors came to hear him play
and gave him fruit and cake.
But David kept dancing and singing and playing
the music moved him on his way

Then he was joined by Gunther McGillet
who was cooking his bacon and eggs on a skillet
and thought David needed a beat.
He pounded and harmonized with skillet and spoon
and went a-playing down the street

Gunther needed more things to play
and found a shopping cart along the way
and began to push it along.
He attached buckets and bottles and pots and pans
and jazzed up and snazzed up ol' David's songs

They became Davy and Gundy
walking from city to city
and the music gathered folk.
And they gave them cakes and presents and gold
"They're the best fellows I know" were some of words they spoke

They went to all places
and played for all faces
that ever there would be--
to pirates and presidents, archaeologists, and hobos
and were always walking and happy

They became old and gray
and couldn't make their way
so the people hoisted them up,
on their shoulders they went--cart and all
and they played till the end of their days

Davy and Gundy became legend and myth
They've passed on now but still they live
in Heaven they sing their song
at the Pearly Gates they'll greet you there
with angels a-singing along

Halfway Wandering
Now, sleep’s beginning
My eyes are still open
And your eyes are almost shut
Nothing seems to matter
What could really matter?

Now, I don’t see much
I’m laying here
You’re lying so close to me
A second from your breathing
Can you hear me breathing?

I can go to sleep
Or I can feel you breathe

Halfway here
And halfway wandering
We’re still here
And we’re still wandering

Now, you start to move
Your eyes start to open
And you’re coming close to me
A second from your breath
You close your eyes again

I can go to sleep
Or I can take you in

Half way here
And halfway wandering
We’re still here
And we start wandering

Soon, you’ll be gone
Much too far away
But now you’re here
For just a second
You’re only a second away

See the Planes

It's time for me to go
I guess I can't say a thing
The stars wont say a thing
I couldn't feel
Cold water on my face
Or more love gone to waste
But when I drive away
I'm driving alone
It's 2 a.m.
I see the planes still coming in
It looks like you've found an end
To it all

Clock hands have moved
Can't we turn them back again
Acquiesce to a friend
You're looking away
Lights are blurring now
I want to tell you unsaid things
Accosted in a dream
I don't think it's real

If you ever want me there
I'll be too far to hear
Your eyes are looking dark
They just don't look as bright
I hear the planes still coming in
I just can't see the lights

The Room and the Key
Pierce Lambson

I was walking around in my house one day and noticed a door that I had never seen before in my life. Or maybe it was there but I hadn't really noticed it. I opened it and walked into a very large room. I realized that I now had a place to put all of my things while I renovated my house. I had been purchasing a lot of new, expensive things and needed a place to put my older and more valuable items until I could sort through it all. I had also been painting and was afraid of getting the black paint on these things.
I didn't want these things to be removed from my house, so I got a lock and key to keep them safe. It was a very sturdy lock and it only opened with this one key.
As time went on the new things occupied almost all of my attention, but once in a while I would unlock the door and remove something from the room. I would use it and end up putting it back and locking it up again. Eventually this process became difficult and I went in the room less frequently. And every time I used the key I realized that the key itself belonged in the room because it opened the door to my most valuable things. I really didn't want to lose the key, so I put it in the room with all my other things, closed the door, and clasped the lock shut. I knew where it would be and it was safe.
I seldom walked by the room after that but when I did I thought about all of my possessions inside of it. I started wanting them back in my house.
I've really become tired of the new things now and realize that it was quite foolish to have put such an important key into a locked room.

Writings the First

By Pierce Lambson

He sees her standing over there
Her dark silhouette shining brightly
Against the moonlight
Even though it is a moonless night
Her hair was blowing ever so gently in the wind
Like the swaying daffodil on a partly sunny day
He licks his lips and thinks to himself
“You know, she’s really, really, ridiculously good looking”
So there she stood
A priceless paradigm of perfected pulchritude
She looks over and their gazes embrace
But what does she fee?
Passion? Not bloody likely
He glides across the empty room picking up a rose in his mouth
But he is careful not to eat the rose
No, that’s not really passionate at all
But desire, ahhh desire
You can see it swimming around in her exotic chocolate eyes
But before whispering sweet nothings into the ear of the crimson beauty
He says to her with fire in his eyes and juicy fruit gum on his breath
“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you stole my heart, prepare for
My Passion

Jasper Magee

I go to an old tavern in the middle of town
An old fellow stares while the lads drink their ale down
His mug is half filled; he’s a smile on his face
It’s Jasper Magee who ne’er moves from his place
*And they drink and they sing to Jasper Magee
He sits in his corner and he’s a-grinnin at me
His mug is half filled; he’s a smile on his face,
It’s Jasper Magee who ne’er moves from his place

And the lads all tell stories about old Magee
How he killed fifty men and he ate a whole tree
And he gave his trousers to the Princess of Wales
Well old Jasper just grins while the lads tell their tales
*And they drink and they sing to Jasper Magee
He sits in his corner and he’s a-grinnin at me
And he gave his trousers to the Princess of Wales
Well old Jasper just grins while the lads tell their tales

For many a-year he’s never joined in a song
They say “We like him as is, for nothing is wrong”
He wears neither trousers, nor a cap on his head
And methinks that it’s mostly because Jasper’s been dead
*And they drink and they sing to Jasper Magee
He sits in his corner and he’s a-grinnin at me
He wears neither trousers, nor a cap on his head
And methinks that it’s mostly because Jasper’s been dead
Well the lads all drink away their sorrows and careAnd old
Jasper just sits with a grin and a stare
Though he’s dead he’s a happy chap, anyone can see
For no one is happier than Jasper Magee
*And they drink and they sing to Jasper Magee
He sits in his corner and he’s a-grinnin’ at me
Though he’s dead he’s a happy chap, anyone can see
For no one is happier than Jasper Magee

By Ourselves
By Pierce Lambson

i smile because it’s funny
but frown because it’s not so funny
at what some things could be
and what I know it can’t be
what it won’t be

shall we dance?
by ourselves
you looked at me too long
and i look somewhere else
we need some time together
and we need it by ourselves

it seems so useless
but there is something to it
it reminds me of me
back when I wasn’t me
it’s not me now

in my mind
we shall dance
you smile and pull me in
everything else
then I make you vanish too

Different Night Now
By Pierce Lambson
Spring 2004

I remember the nights that have come and gone
The times that we had, the good and the bad
When I cannot see how
The things that would happen
Us talking and laughing
Would bring those nights back to me now

It’s another night now, still singing and laughing
To a different tune, under a later moon
It’s interesting how
Some things don’t change
And it’s never the same
It brings those nights back to me now

I remember the nights that have come and gone
The times that we had, the good and the bad
And it’s sad to see how
These things start to fade
And they won’t come again
I hope they’ll come back to me

never going to leave
pierce lambson
August 2004

i’m all alone
where nobody else goes
where i am
i still don’t know
it’s a bright night
stars all around
i close my eyes
coming closer now

but still it’s so far away
and i think i am going to stay
why should i wake
and leave this place?
i’m never going to leave

as i look up
into the deep sky
i leave the earth
and begin to fly
now i pass on
through the clouds
the moon is closer
the sky is my ground

but still it’s so far away
and i think i am going to stay
why should i wake
and leave this place?
i’m never going to leave

I Wonder
Pierce Lambson
March 2005

I often wonder as I sit upon my chair
Does this chair sit upon me
And wonder about me?

And as I wonder I take in a breath and sigh
Or does a breath take in me
And does it sigh out me?

I dropped the ground on my sandwhich
When I dropped my sandwhich on the ground
There seems to be a vicious round

I stare at a picture of some people
But am I a picture to them
And do they stare at me as I stare at them?

Is there an answer to these riddles
Or are these riddles the answers
If there can be an answer

You’ve often asked me when we’ll get there
Well when will there get us
If there will get us

This world is a different place
When this place is a different world
When you’re in a different world

I think I’m living my life
Or is my life really living me
Does it live for me?

I wonder about the deep things of the world
As the world wonders the deep things of me
And people always wonder about me
And I wonder about me

The Well Fought Fight
By Pierce Lambson
October 2004

A soldier stands tall
And looks at the field
The long war is nearly through
He is confident and proud
He is prepared to fight now
And he awaits the Captain’s call

His armor is strong
And covers his frame
Not a breach without could he find
His shield is held tight
His sword shines with light
The battle will not be long

The enemy assails
Their bows ev’ly sing
But the Captain’s song is sung louder
Their fiery darts fly
And the soldier they strike
And weakens where his armor fails

He will not die
So he raises his sword
The truth cuts to the center
With light as his source
He weakens their force
But feels his own strength fly

They attack with zeal
The wound that they made
Their blows do weaken his weakness
Then more breaches were found
And he falls to the ground
Now he calls on his Captain to heal

With the flash of his sword
They fall to the Captain
Matchless his power will be
He came with speed
When the lad was in need
And the soldier is healed by his Lord

War rages through the night
But ends with the day
The vic’try belongs to the Captain
And the soldier returned
With the glory he earned
And was crowned for the well fought fight

brilliance to shadow
by pierce lambson
april 2005

another melancholy day
the sad piano is being played
burning fire was so bright
now there is no light inside
a brilliant candle has been lit
the light could vanquish and i’ll quit
a black sky is falling down
brilliance to shadow

champion of indolence
a new fire has been incensed
the rain has come at last
hypocrisy won’t be the past
insurrection will be quelled
a paradigm that should not fail
a black sky is falling down
brilliance to shadow

the rain has come at last
the light could vanquish
the rain has come at last
brilliance to shadow

How They Have Fallen!
Pierce Lambson
May 2005

Behold how the fair leaves have fallen!
From a mighty oak have they fallen
When once they were strong and beautiful
They now have faded and fallen

Behold how the fair leaves have fallen!
For slowly the cold came at last
And slowly the leaves did die
Until the oak could hold them no longer

Behold how the fair ones have fallen!
From their lofty height have they fallen
When coldness entered their hearts
They fell until one only remained

Behold how the fair ones like leaves have fallen!
But the oak will bud once again
The summer will never end
And the leaves shall never fall again

By Pierce Lambson
March 26, 2006

When you’re on a table
Looking at a bird that’s above your head
And a bald man is standing there
Going to cut you with a feather ‘til you’re dead
I think it’s time to move
When there’s no more food
And you draw up facsimiles
And your father starts to lose his mind
It’s time to leave Ur of the Chaldees

It was needful
For me to obtain
It was needful for me to obtain
A new place of residence
And that’s what I did

Well Haran is good
‘til you run out of food again
And again dad starts to loose that mind
You know it’s time to move to Canaan
Uh-well it’s time to move
But Egypt is the place
‘til Pharaoh wants to kill you and take your wife
Back to the Promised Land once again
Following the kokaubeam all your life

It was needful
For me to obtain
It was needful for me to obtain
A new place of residence
And that’s what I did

When a bald guy wants to kill you
And you’re starving almost to death
And your father begins to backslide
Then a king wants to take your wife

It’s needful to obtain a new place of residence
And that’s what I did
That’s what I did

New Colors
July 2006

I wondered if you see things differently than me
if you see the world in different colors than me
if you’ve seen colors that I’ve never seen

I wanted to know what the world looks like to you
why green is the greatest of colors to you
and I wondered if the green I see is really blue

As time went on I started to see things differently
I started to see every color differently
I saw that the hills and trees were no longer green

I understand why you love gray clouds
they look incredible because they’re really blue clouds
and dirt and wood and even my eyes are no longer brown

I understand why your favorite color is green
the most wonderful color I see is green
shared by the sun and by fire and no longer the trees

And now there are new colors I see
glorious colors that were unseen I now see
my mind could not create these colors around me

You were never wrong for liking green the best
I was never wrong for liking blue the best
but I’m in your world and still I haven’t left

The world is different from what I’ve known
I see colors now that I’ve never known
now I see the colors that you’ve tried to show

Nothing Tangible

They say that when you die your spirit leaves your lifeless body for a time. They say you take nothing with you save your memories and the experiences that you had during your lifetime. You take nothing tangible at all. You hope that when you look back you will remember all the good things that you did in life.
I suppose I died recently, for now I have no spirit—no life in me at all. I have nothing left but the memories and the experiences that we had. I look back often and remember all the good things that we did. But now all I have left is these memories, and nothing tangible at all.

All The Good Ideas Have Been Taken
November 11, 2006

I’d love to write a story
About passion, adventure, and glory
A wonderful classic for all to learn from
But there’s already books that teach every lesson
And there’s only so many combinations of words
All the dragons are dead
All the women are saved
All the bad guys are dead
And the world’s been saved
All the good ideas have already been taken
O all the good ideas have been taken

I think its time to write song
Perhaps it’s short, perhaps it’s long
A wonderful song I think it will be
A song about anger or love or being happy
But what can I sing that has not been sung?
You hurt me again
Her eyes are still blue
I’m so happy again
I’m falling for you
What would I sing,
O what would I sing

Maybe I’ll just not write at all
And wait to dream something wonderful
I could just give my young mind a rest
To let it go where it wants will be best
And not have to describe or explain a thing.
I won’t have to rhyme
Or think something new
I could sleep all the time
But I could not share it with you
So I’ll try to write the things I see
O, I’ll try to write the things I see

An End
Pierce Lambson
August 24, 2005

I used to worry about
how it wouldn't be the same
I thought it a shame
And now it's coming closer
It's not so
not hard.
I used to think that
I wouldn't be here
Now that I am here
Now I'm unwinding
and it is getting
not easier.

Mysterious tomorrow
I don't know if I'm ready because
The years have dragged on so fast
Still it's time to fly

I've tried not to wander
To places that I've been
Or places that I'll be again
Just today and tomorrow
Not that that's
not not bad
Been stuck into today
Well today is over,
I want it and don't want it over
A bittersweet bullet
And it's not
not hard to bite

Curious tomorrow
I don't know if I'm ready because
The years have dragged on so fast
Still it's time to fly
It’s time to fly